Piano Maintenance

In a domestic environment a piano should be tuned every 6 months. Playing the piano does not generally affect the tuning, it’s the change in climate, humidity, and tension of the strings.

We have been tuning pianos for many years, in homes, schools, concert venues and even Cruise Liners.

Once we’ve tuned your piano, we’ll give you a friendly reminder every 6 months to advise you that your piano is due for tuning.

We are proud to have the largest piano tuning client base in Essex.

piano tuning

From new pianos to old pianos, to really old pianos! In the workshop we can always find the right piece to accommodate the job in hand.

From a small repair to full piano restoration, all our work, whether piano removals, tuning or restoration, is done by ourselves, we do not use third parties.

It costs £65 to tune a piano.  That said, if your piano hasn’t been tuned for some time, then it may need more than just a tune to get it back into a musical order.  If it’s been a few years, then it will probably have dropped in pitch, whether to stretch it back to pitch or tune it to itself, depends on the overall condition of the piano and, of course, your budget.

Tuning is relatively inexpensive, and be aware that a piano not tuned regularly, every 6 months, can be rendered untunable, and therefore worthless as a musical instrument.